Items of Interest Archives
January, 2021
December, 2020
November, 2020
October, 2020
May, 2020
February, 2020
From Blue Mountains to Cambodia - "Ride & Stride"
In mid January, Alan Wedesweiler, his son Gabriel and members of the "Ride and Stride" team of Catholic Mission Australia, cycled through many parts of Cambodia. During the arduous journey they visited the Diocese of Battambang and spent some time with the students and teachers of our new Ursuline mission, Mother of Peace Primary School. The visit was mutually enriching for all and very supportive of the work being done there by our Ursuline sisters from Indonesia and Thailand
Alan is the Religious Education Co-ordinator at St. Canice’s school in Katoomba. In the final term of 2019 the students from St. Canice’s in their Mission Learning Unit, made connection with the teachers and students of Mother of Peace, School. They intend to continue to strengthen this link so as to build a relational community across the geographical and cultural distances.
The photos show experiences of Angela’s frequently used word “insieme” meaning 'together'. The very young Cambodian students were fascinated by the height of Alan’s son, Gabriel. Maybe they thought a giant had come to visit them! Alan's story can be found on...
As Ursulines we are most grateful to Alan, Gabriel and the team for their generosity on going beyond their own borders into this country, rich in measure! – a “Ride and Stride” that brings healing and hope.