Our Connections (Asia Pacific)
Australian Ursuline Province in the Asia Pacific Region
The Australian Ursuline Province is located within the context of the Asia Pacific Region and as such we continue to develop close relationships with our sisters in this area. Our sister Provinces in this region include Indonesia, China (Taiwan) and Thailand.
We have a number of ways in which we share and are enriched by one another throughout the region.
In 2010, the four Provinces of the Asia Pacific region supported the establishment of an interprovincial Ursuline community serving the needs of the people of Cambodia.
Regular meetings between Provincials and Conferences based around Education, Leadership, Justice Peace and the Integrity of Creation (JPIC) continue to build our sense of interconnectedness.
Students from Ursuline schools across the Provinces also have the opportunity to experience their immersion within the Asia Pacific region through Student Leadership camps held in Indonesia and Thailand.
There is also opportunity for sisters to participate in an Exchange Program for a period of time; living and working within another Province of the region, to experience life and ministry, and appreciate the richness and diversity of its people and culture.
Sisters from our regional Provinces also come to Australia in order to develop their English speaking skills and participate in the Australian Ursuline way of life.
AQUA, our Asia Pacific regional Ursuline newsletter, is another means through which we stay connected and it provides us with articles describing recent events, experiences, challenges and celebrations that occur within the Province responsible for its production at various times.
Along with all the above, there are also many long term personal relationships between sisters across the Provinces that provide us with an ever deepening understanding of our sense of belonging to the Asia Pacific region and experiences that are 'life-giving, hope-filled and give witness to our communion in Jesus Christ'. This sense of community throughout the region also reflects St. Angela's message to us that:
'loving each other and living in harmony together are a sure sign that we are walking in the path right and pleasing to God.'St Angela Merici - Tenth Legacy