Our Community Life

The life of Ursulines is very much inspired and directed by the wisdom of their Foundress St Angela Merici.

"Have Jesus Christ as your one and only treasure."  St Angela Merici. 5th Counsel

This word from St Angela emphasises her belief that the essence of the call of consecrated life is based on our central relationship with Jesus. This emphasis is as relevant today as when Angela founded the Company of St Ursula in 1535.

Community life supports our commitment. As we pray together and work together we are conscious of further advice from our Foundress.  

"Be bound to one another by the bond of love, esteeming each other, helping each other, bearing with each other in Jesus Christ."  Angela Merici. Last Counsel

StAngelaandHerFirstCompanions Artist Unknown-SanctuaryofStAngelaBrescia-Italy

St Angela and her First Companions - Artist unknown
Sanctuary of St Angela Brescia, Italy.


Of course the picture of community life has changed in the nearly five hundred years of Ursuline existence. Here again, Angela, unique as a foundress, encouraged this change and adaptation.

"If, according to times and circumstances, the need arises to make new rules or do something differently, do it prudently and with good advice." Angela Merici. Last Legacy

Heeding this advice, Australian Ursulines, living in small househould dwellings adopted a different overall structure in 2020. We established two large communities embracing the smaller groups, one centred in the Sydney area and the other in Brisbane. Australian Ursulines North and South.