St Ursula's Charism; From our young women at Kingsgrove...

vittore carpaccio dream of st ursula for webOur young women from St Ursula's College Kingsgrove shared their thoughts for St Ursula's Feast Day 2018...


Year 9 Students reflection on the Ursuline Charism...

The Ursuline values provide guidance for the whole school community. This guidance helps us to be respectful to others while empowering each other to achieve our very best.

The Ursuline values have transformed our school into a welcoming, respectful and united community. We strive to serve others others in our community with dignity and with hearts full of the serviam spirit.

The values have moulded our school community through the teachings of St Ursula, which has filled our school community with love and respect for others.

 Video message from Yr 9




Students from Year 10

Leah: St Ursula assists students at the college mould the Ursuline Values of Accept, Respect, Unite, Act, Empower and Serve through our daily school life.

Daniela: The spirit of ‘Serviam’ inspires us to act with service with one another and become a united community.

Krystal: St Ursula’s strong faith, helps students acknowledge a close relationship with God and one another. St Ursula gives us wise words to transform us into empowering women.

 Video message from Yr 10


Image: The Dream of St Ursula; Vittore Carpaccio 1495