A Walk Down Memory Lane

Reflections on the Celebration of St Joseph's Primary School Tweed Heads

Centenary Celebrations 16 September 2017  

Tweed heads for webSt Joseph’s Centenary Celebrations at Tweed Heads brought back many memories for Sr. Peg Gallen osu. Growing up in ‘The Tweed’ there is something about the people, the area and the sea which have remained with her all these years.

Peg experienced the weekend as a celebration across generations. She was delighted to meet younger relatives of our sisters who originally came from the area among them being:
Sr Pius Cranney’s niece and nephew Helen and Michael Cranney
Sr Lucy Anderson’s relatives
Sr Camillus Duffy’s nephew, Pat Bonus and
Sr Ursula and Mary Rose’s relatives.

Tony Boyle, Principal of St Joseph’s said the present staff threw themselves with enthusiasm and joy into the preparation for the celebrations. Among the staff are relatives of Ursula and of Peg.  To read Tony's full speech please click on the link. Tony Boyle Centenary Speech
In the words of Tess Boyle, wife of Tony and niece of Peg, “It was an old fashioned celebration” where the links with families across generations brought a strong sense of continuity.

For Peg, (a great story teller herself) an added highlight of her visit was driving around the local streets and recalling memories on every corner!   Pictured below Ursuline Sisters, Gabriel Williams and Peg Gallen.

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 Picture Perfect History - A Step Back In Time....

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 Mr Tony Boyle Principal (left) and Religious Education Display (right)