EGC 2016 logoegc2016english

2nd - 10th October

Theme and Goal of Enlarged General Council Meeting 

The Australian Province of the Ursulines of the Roman Union are hosting the Enlarged General Council Meeting in Sydney from 2nd – 10th October 2016.

Our logo was redesigned for this Enlarged General Council Meeting by Jane Basiroen an alumni of Santa Ursula College Jakarta.

The goal of the Enlarged General Council: 

an experience of interreligious encounter,
or an encounter with migrants,
or with women who have been exploited,
or with so many people who are suffering in our world.,
or reflection on the environment .
To encounter them with a compassionate heart

The focus statement:

From exclusion to encounter: as daughters of Angela,
empowered and transformed
by the Holy Spirit,
how do we open our hearts
to the cries of our earth and its peoples
in Asia/Pacific

The General Council Members of the Roman Union together with the Provincials from five continents have travelled to Australia for this meeting. In all, twenty one Provinces are represented.

Before arriving in Sydney the sisters had the opportunity to have an immersion experience in a country of their choice. Ten sisters went to Indonesia visiting East, West and Central Java. Five sisters were in Thailand. Four sisters visited Taiwan. Six sisters went to Alice Springs and six sisters had their immersion experience in South East Queensland.

The Opening Liturgy of the Conference captured images of earth, land, sea and peoples of different nations. The Opening Hymn “All Are Welcome” (M. Haugen, GIA) the Gospel story of the Leper (Mark 1:40-45) together with the antiphon “Hear the voice of justice cry, moving through our land, ringing out over hills and plains, linking hand with hand”, (T. Watts Willow Publication) echoed for the participants the quest to move from exclusion to encounter.

IMG 2010


After the Australian Provincial Sr Ruth Durick welcomed all the participants, Mother Cecilia Wang, Prioress General gave her Opening Address.  


 IMG 2144

Sr Ruth Durick osu - Australian Provincial

IMG 2017

   M. Cecilia Wang osu - Prioress General

 The first day of the meeting the sisters shared their experiences in the countries they had visited before the meeting.

The following days we were joined by two speakers who assisted in enabling the participants to continue to break open their recent immersion experiences.

Michelle ConnollySr. Michele Connolly RSJ (pictured left) took the aspect of the Biblical understanding of Encounter encouraging the group to translate their experiences into the reality of their own lives. Sister focussed on several Gospel passages from Luke with particular emphasis on The Feeding of the Crowds 9:10-17, The Transfiguration 9:28-36, The Good Samaritan 10:23-37, The Emmaus story 24:13-35. Relevant questions we asked for each of the stories which took the immersion experience to yet another level for all.

The second speaker Reverend Father Benedictus Hari Juliawan SJ also had the focus of Encounter. His presentation “Encountering the Hidden Christ in our Midst” Father touched on topics relating to dominant economic and moral limitations of development. Aspects of these issues were expanded encompassing: Environmental degradation, displacement of indigenous people and human trafficking.

The participants were challenged to look at areas where they can contribute to take the step to encounter the other. Every encounter begins with a single step and has the infinite possibility to change attitudes, actions and promote collaboration and understanding.


 Somchitr Moekti Agatha Linda Beni

Sisters Moekti, Somchitr & Agatha Linda with Fr Benedictus SJ



“Ursuline Education in the Spirit of St Angela Merici launched.”

Saturday 8th October saw the launch of “Ursuline Education in the Spirit of St Angela Merici” This booklet is the work of an International Commission over the past two years. Sisters Lois Castillon, (USA), Moekti Gondosasmito (General Councillor), Brigette Monnier (France), Leone Pallisier (Australia), Ms. Julia Waters (England). It is written for use in our schools throughout the world.

The booklet is based on the writings of St Angela Merici and that rich tradition of Ursuline education. It outlines the values at the heart of Ursuline education, the values embraced by Angela and values she encouraged her followers to hold and explore and which continue to be guiding lights in today’s world.

In launching the booklet Sister Leone Pallisier painted a picture of the broad spectrum Angela left her daughters.
• “Have Jesus Christ as your one and only treasure”. This exhortation puts our relationship with God at the heart of our lives.
• “Have each of your daughters engraved in your heart.” This challenge encourages us to build wholesome, trusting relationships which are key to a vibrant nurturing community…
• Angela then challenges us “to initiate change” in response to the different circumstances in our lives…but only after discerning prayer.

This small booklet is saturated with the attitude, dedication and commitment to Jesus Christ which Angela possessed and modelled for us.

Sister Leone stated in the launch “Ursuline schools are part of the wider community of Catholic education. I like to think that the charism gives the school a unique identity.”

Just as our Christian name, gives us an identity and our surname gives us a family, a community, a tribe that has nurtured us over the years and which we continue to nurture throughout life. So Ursuline gives our schools a unique identity in the community we call Catholic Education.

“May this booklet stimulate our schools to be steeped in the Gospel in the spirit of Angela.”

 Launch Leone Moekti

                                                                                          Sisters Leone and Moekti